We cordially invite you to be our guest this Sunday morning! We hope the following information is helpful to you as you prepare to visit Farmville Baptist.
Sunday Schedule
9:45 am…………Adult Bible Study in the Church Parlor
10:55 am……….Preparation for Worship
11:00 am……….Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Re-Gathering Guidelines and Expectations

In order to help protect the health of all of our members, we are asking everyone to follow the requirements below.
- It is recommended that non-vaccinated persons attending religious services be encouraged to wear face coverings over their nose and mouth at all times.
- A thorough cleaning and disinfection of frequently contacted surfaces is conducted prior to and following any religious services.
- Signage shall be posted at the entrance and state that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted in the establishment.
- Signage posted that provides public health reminders regarding social distancing, gatherings, options for high risk individuals, and staying home if sick.
- Sanitizing stations are provided throughout the building, particularly at entry and exit points.
To help us comply with these guidelines, please plan on the following when you come to church:
- Maintaining social distancing (6’) at all times while in the building, in the parking lot, and while waiting to enter the church is highly encouraged.
- Please plan to wear a mask if you are not vaccinated, or feel safest wearing one.
- The church office will continue to email the bulletin each week. Please print your bulletin at home and bring it with you. Some copies will be available for visitors and those without home printers.
Sunday Worship
We gather for worship in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings starting at 10:55 a.m. We have a “liturgical-traditional” worship style that may be characterized by a thoughtful reverence that still connects to the heart. While you will be encouraged to fill out a guest registration card and a fellowship register during the service, you are under no obligation to do so. We also will not ask you to stand or raise your hand to identify yourself as a guest during the service! We emphasize a Gospel of grace as taught and lived out by our Lord Jesus Christ, and we trust the Holy Spirit to work in your life to respond and live out that Gospel in a way that is uniquely yours. Therefore, we will not try to emotionally manipulate people to “make a decision for Christ” or to feel or respond in a certain way.
Each worship gathering (averaging 15-40 people) is centered on a theme usually based upon the assigned scriptural readings of the Revised Common Lectionary. We listen to hymns from the 1991 Baptist Hymnal accompanied by an organ and/or piano. We follow the Christian calendar and we celebrate the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and Pentecost.
Even though we’re somewhat “high church,” our worship services also periodically incorporate contemporary songs, dramatic presentations, congregational participatory exercises and other ways to engage the five senses and the whole person. The aim of each worship experience is to re-present faithfully the drama of God’s redeeming work and to inspire worshipers to ascribe worth to God and to join in what God is doing in our world.
While many of our members wear “Sunday clothes,” there is NO dress code. Come as you are!
Sermon Notes
If you were unable to join us for Worship Service, either in-person or virtually, below are sermon notes from Pastor Adam that available for you to view, download, or print.
01.01.2023 – New Year’s Day – When Christmas Gets Real
2022 Advent Season Sermon Notes
12.25.2022 – Christmas Day – Choose the Light
12.24.2022 – Christmas Eve Candlelight – When God Throws Us Together
12.18.2022 – 4th Sunday of Advent – Love Is With Us
12.11.2022 – 3rd Sunday of Advent – Promised Joy
12.04.2022 – 2nd Sunday of Advent – Uncanny Peace
11.27.2022 – 1st Sunday of Advent – No Sermon – Bulletin Linked